Carbon investment with purpose

Carbon Franc app
The Idea
Carbon as an asset
Carbon is scarce and highly valued. Sequestered and permanently stored, it may be considered the most valuable asset of our time. Its price is constantly going up as more carbon removals are needed to meet global climate goals.

Companies that have committed to Net Zero need 1,5 billion tons of CO2 removals annually to cover their liabilities. 0,03 billion tons is what the market can currently offer.
  • Reforestation projects
    Reforestation helps store CO2 that would otherwise end up in the atmosphere accelerating the temperature rise on our planet. The global potential is still huge - and it comes with enormous benefits for the local communities. Almost ¼ of the yearly output of CO2 from burning fossil fuels could be stored by planting trees and changing how we use land. Investing in carbon means investing in the future of our planet.
  • Environmental impact
    Reforestation projects create biodiverse habitats - nurseries for fish, marine life and coral reefs, birds and animals.
  • Social impact
    Reforestation in developing countries of Africa and Asia provides jobs, food security, and natural protection from extreme weather events for the local population. The projects we choose share at least 50% of received carbon credits with local stakeholders. This ensures the long-term sustainability of a carbon project and the effectiveness of an offset as means of climate action.
  • Climate impact
    We only work with projects that can be verified by the leading global carbon standards. We also perform additional audits.
Carbon Franc
The Carbon Franc is the first means for individuals to invest in carbon removal projects.

The Carbon Franc is a blockchain-based forward contract on a project that will produce carbon credits.
It represents at least 1 ton of CO2 that will be stored in the biomass of the Carbon Franc projects. Each Carbon Franc directly helps fund reforestation projects so that they could be started or speed up their growth.

We are growing blue carbon, the most valuable carbon that exists. It is the CO2 captured and stored in coastal and marine ecosystems — mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrasses.
Mangrove reforestation in North Sumatra and Aceh regions
Mangrove reforestation in Kwale, Kilifi and Tana River Counties
Mangrove reforestation in the Ayeyarwady region, the Gulf of Martaban and Mon State
Changing behavior
Today we believe that the CO2 each of us produces is for free. Due to its hugely damaging effects on our planet, we need to recognize that there is no such thing as a free lunch. We should acknowledge that we will have to pay for the pollution we produce just as we pay for the garbage that is collected. This will compensate for our footprint and support carbon removal projects.

Carbon credits will be one of our means of payment in the future. Thus we not only support attaining the 1,5° goal to save our planet but also benefit from an investment in carbon due to the appreciative developments of the carbon price since it is and will be a scarce asset.

Carbon is the new gold.
How it works
Investing in future carbon
The Carbon Franc is a unique opportunity for a retail investor to invest in future carbon.

Each Carbon Franc represents a future carbon credit that will be issued by an independent verification standard. It is CO2 that will be stored for decades in the forests planted by one of our projects.

Investment in future carbon credits provides early-stage funding for reforestation projects. The Carbon Franc is a way for investors to get attractive returns as future carbon credits are much cheaper than those already issued. Their investment is diversified across multiple high-quality reforestation projects.

You can invest in future carbon by purchasing and holding a Carbon Franc until it becomes an issued carbon credit. The carbon credit can be then used for offsets or sold at a higher price.
Buying and selling Carbon Francs
  • Carbon Franc is an easy-to-use app to buy, sell and securely store your carbon assets.
  • You can buy Carbon Francs with your credit card or any crypto you have.
  • The trading is decentralized, with no central player taking large fees. There is automatic match-making between buyers and sellers with a pool to provide the necessary liquidity.
Sharing or paying with Carbon Francs
You can easily pay with Carbon Francs or share them with friends. All you need is to send them to another Carbon Franc app address or any other ERC20-compatible wallet address on the Polygon blockchain.
Invest in carbon with purpose
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Vlinder AG, Landstrasse 121, 9490 Vaduz — Liechtenstein, UID: CHE-459.022.791